Image Gallery - Optics of the Atmosphere
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Optics of the Atmosphere

Image Gallery

Please see the Czech version of the gallery and list of recently uploaded photographs.
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December 29, 2007 - halo display, Dolni Morava
A beautiful halo display in diamond dust ice crystals near downhill slope in Dolni Morava.
In the upper part of the image there is a bright circumzenithal arc, lower is a faint Parry arc nad well defined upper tangent arc and parhelia (sundogs).
The image was photographed with Canon EOS 350D + Sigma 10-20 + ND gradual filter.
Photo by Radomír Vondra.
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December 25, 2007 - complex halo display, Deštné - Orlické Mts.
One of the brightest complex halo displays of recent years in the Czech Republic with rare halos including heliac and Tape arcs! Images were taken with Nokia N73 in the Ski resort in Deštné, Orlicke Mountains.
Photo by Radek Svoboda.
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December 22, 2007 - moonlight halos, Vítkovice
Extraordinary diamond dust display with bright circumhorizon and infralateral arcs in the light of the Moon. In addition, small halo, parhelic circle (photo 2) and Parry arc (photo 3) were observed. The extent of the display is revealed by composite images (com 1, 2) and rectified image by L. Shrbeny (rect.). Photographed by Václav Fego in the Giant Mountains.
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December 22, 2007 - Parry sunvex arc, Lysa hora
Clearly separated Parry sunvex and upper tangent arcs observed from Lysa hora.
Photo by Emil Březina.
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July 22, 2007 - lightning, Drahanská vrchovina
Impressive images of lightning were taken between 00:30 and 02:00 CEST. Used equipment: Mamiya 645 Pro TL, Mamiya-Sekor C 45/2,8, film Fuji Superia 100, Exposure from 2 to 5 minutes at f/8. Photo Tomáš Tichý.
July 20, 2007 - lightning (!), Novohradské hory
This lightning strike hit the ground only some 300 meters from the observers! The astonishing image was taken within 15 sec exposure with Canon 20D.
Photo by Marek Pecka and Zuzana Pelíšková.
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July 13, 2007 - noctilucent clouds, Slovakia
Noctilucent clouds observed in Lučenec, Slovakia at 22:23 CEST, i.e. 1:43 hours after sunset.
Photos by Juraj Hanula.
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April 21, 2007 - 22 & 46 deg halos, Nýdek
22 and a faint 46 deg (!) halos on the images stacked from several photos. Also other phenomena were visible: circumzenithal arc (photo 2) and inralateral arc (photo 3).
Photos by Martin Popek.
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January 26, 2007 - brilliant halos, Hlinsko
Another diamond dust display of bright halos with sundogs, 22 deg halo, upper tangent arc, circumzenithal arc and a white belt of pahelic circle stretching accross the Sun.
The display was observed at about 10:15 local time at -9° deg Celsius in a freezing fog cloud.
Photographed by Milan Vacek.
more January 26, 2007 - sun pillar, Ondřejov
This bright sun pillar was observed during sunrise.
Photo by Martin Nekola.
Image galleries: rainbows, halos, diffraction phenomena, noctilucent clouds, auroras.
+ Latest uploads, Image archive, year 2007, year 2006, year 2005, year 2004

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February 3, 2006 - diamond dust halos, Prague
Airborne ice crystals triggered brilliant halo display in Prague with vivid colors of circumzenithal arc, parhelia (mock suns), 120 deg parhelia and fragments of parhelic circle.
Photos and video by Tomáš Tržický.
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February 3, 2006 - sundogs, Prague
Bright parhelia were visible in the morning before 9:30 a.m.
Photos and video by Pavel Gaňa.
January 14, 2006 - halos in Drienica, Slovakia
22 deg halo and sundogs in Drienica - Čergov Mts., Slovakia, some 800 m above the sea level. The image was taken with 4MB HP Photosmart R507 set to auto mode.
Photo by Miroslav Mihok.
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January 9, 2006 - diamond dust in Colfosco, Italy
Variety of halo phenomena were visible in diamond dust that morning (Canon pw a40).
Photo by Lukáš Košárek.
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December 15, 2005 - halos in Obertauern, Austria
Brilliant halo display with shining subsun, parhelia, subparhelia and a 22 degree halo.
Photo by Marie Hlaváčová.
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December 10, 2005 - halos in the High Tatras, Slovakia
Sundogs, part of parhelic circle and 22 deg halo photographed by Štefan Rakús.
December 4, 2005 - Moon and Venus Coronae
These bright coronae around the Moon and Venus made this sight unforgettable for Petr Pazour from Vlasim, Czech republic. Equipment: Canon EOS 20D + EF 70-200/2.8 L at 5.6, ISO 800, exp. 6 sec.
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November 13, 2005 - glory in Jeseniky
This glory was captured in Jeseniky by Jaroslava Fuksová.
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September 30, 2005 - sun pillar
The pillar was observed near Kinice.
Photo by Jakub Prokop.
June 26, 2005 - rainbow from an airplane
Martin Přeček photographed the image during a SAS flight in Sweden.
June 3, 2005 - 22 degree halo, Kemer Turkey
A wide-field photo of the halo was taken by Mac.
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May 11, 2005 - rainbow
This Rainbow with supernumerary arcs was spotted in Nydek by Martin Popek.
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February 27, 2005 - halos in Nýdek
A variety of halos were visible after 12 and again after 16 CET.
A 22 deg halo (photos 1-3), upper tangent arc, parhelia, supralateral arc and other halo forms including even Lowitz and Parry arcs.
Photo by Martin Popek.
October 4, 2004 - Parry arc, Ostrava
In the upper part of this image there is a faint Parry arc. An open window view was captured by Martin Vilášek.
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February 22, 2005 - parhelia, Nýdek
Parhelion (sundog) imaged by Martin Popek.
"I saw a 22 deg halo, parhelia, sun pillar, upper tangent arc and circumzenithal arc between 14-16 CET."
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February 14, 2005 - parhelion, Ždánice
Today's halo phenomena included a 22 deg halo and parhelia. The 22 deg halo was faint, but the parhelia were brighter and their changes in time are imaged here.
Photo Roman Maňák with Olympus Camedia C-310.
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February 10, 2005 - iridescence, Velká nad Veličkou
Bright iridescent clouds were visible before sunset. They were quite remarkable for about 15 minutes and then disappeared.
Photo by Roman Maňák.
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February 9, 2005 - sun pillar, Munich Germany
The images were taken during business trip in Munich with Panasonic Lumix DFZ3 at 17:45 CET.
Photo by Jan Chomát.
photo 2 February 5, 2005 - subsun, Nýdek
A morning subsun on a diamond dust crystals in in Nydek.
Imaged by René Kajfosz.
Image galleries: rainbows, halos, diffraction phenomena.

Image Gallery - January 2005

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January 30, 2005 - sun pillar, České Budějovice
This bright sun pillar was visible during sunset near České Budějovice on 30 January. Sun pillars are quite common halo phenomena.
Photo Vladimír Odvářka.
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January 30, 2005 - corona, Nýdek
Diffraction of the Sun rays on tiny clouds droplets causes coronas. This one was photographed by Martin Popek.
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January 24, 2005 - 22 deg. halo, Prague
This lunar halo shone during the night of 24/25 January in Prague but disappeared just after Michal Kroužel took these images. Equipment: Sony DSC-S 85 + tripod, f2.2, exp.: 2 sec.
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January 21, 2005 - aurora, Prague
A set of rare aurora photos captured by Petr Pazour in the light polluted Prague sky.
The red segment is the aurora whilst orange areas are low level clouds illuminated by city lights.
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January 21, 2005 - aurora, Brno
Jan Hollan from Brno observatory used a wide angle adaptor to photograph northern lights near the northern horizon. The images were captured between 23.18 - 23.38 CET.
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January 18, 2005 - 22 deg. halo, Ždánice
The 22° halo is a frequent phenomenon and Roman Maňák did not hesitate to press the shutter two times.
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January 8, 2005 - iridescent clouds, Modravský potok, Šumava
Images taken between 11:17 - 11:21 CET. "The display lasted much longer, first I saw the clouds at 9:40 CET near Běleč by Prachatice, they disappeared at about the noon."
Photo by Pavel Spurný, camera Olympus C-760.
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January 8, 2005 - iridescent clouds, Prášily
Magnificent iridescent cloud colors captured by Martin Poupa in the Šumava mountains. "All images were taken with a Canon PowerShot G3 between 10.03 and 10.20 CET. The display persisted until 11 a.m. It was a beautiful experience."
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January 8, 2005 - iridescent clouds, Holešov
Strong colors of iridescent clouds near the Sun. Clouds were visible all afternoon (13-16 CET).
Photo by Patrik Trnčák, Kodak Easyshare.
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January 8, 2005 - iridescent clouds, Prague
Vivid colors of iridescent clouds near the Sun highlighted Prague's sky all afternoon long. Diffraction and interference of light on tiny water droplets caused this beautiful display.
Photo by Tomáš Tržický.
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January 8, 2005 - iridescent clouds, Nýdek
Another bright iridescence photographed by Martin Popek.
Equipment: Fujifilm Finepix S7000, more images.
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September 17, 2004 - sun pillar
Chasing the "sunset", Aleš Knobloch captured this bright sun pillar and contrails.
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July 5, 2004 - rainbow
Primary and secondary rainbow imaged by Aleš Knobloch.
May 10, 1994 - solar eclipse, Morocco
A unique photograph with several phenomena in one image. The image distorted by refraction shows partial solar eclipse with green flash. Click to see enlarged version.
Photo by Tomáš Cihelka.
More images:
Rainbow 12. 1. and sun rise in České Budějovice (Vladimír Odvářka),  red sky 4. 1. in Prague, ...  ...
Image galleries: rainbows, halos, diffraction phenomena.

Image Gallery - October, November and December 2004

December 25, 2004, Krkonoše
Video with development of lenticular clouds stitched from images of Hydronet's webcam placed in Jizerka, Jizera mountains monitoring also the sky above Krkonoše.
Credit:, processing:
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December 22, 2004 - lunar display, Nýdek
Very bright 22 degree halo around the Moon photographed Martin Popek with starry background on image 4 (Cas, Per).
There is a faint rare 9° halo inside (images 6,7, enhanced 8).
Equipment: Fujifilm Finepix S7000B.
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December 12, 2004 - Venus belt, Krkonoše
From dawn till dusk video showing evening shadow of the Earth cast to the atmosphere with purple edge called Venus belt.
Corona photograph
Image was photographed with Olympus 220Z. Exp. 1/160, ISO 80. See also other photos in coronae section.
Photo by Milan Třešňák.
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White rainbow
Rare image of white (fog) rainbow taken in Holešov on 22 June, 2004.
Photo by Patrik Trnčák.
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November 10 - altocumulus, 2004, Krkonoše
A lens shaped cloud called altocumulus lenticularis was visible in the Krkonoše (Giant) mountains on November 10, 2004. Video shows development of the cloud within 1 hour.
October 19, 2004, Holešov
Halo phenomena almost all day long, from 8.00 till 15.30 CET. Visible phenomena: 22° halo, parhelia, Parry arc, upper tangent arc, supralateral arc, circumzenithal arc, parhelic circle and lower Lowitz arc.
Imaged by Patrik Trnčák, Kodak EasyShare CX4200.
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October 6, 2004, Nýdek
Dramatic evening light and altocumulus clouds photographed by Martin Popek.
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October 4, 2004 - upper tangent arc, Nýdek
Martin Popek took photo of upper tangent arc just before sunset. Also circumzenithal arc and other phenomena were visible.
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October 2004, ČR
Blue sky with Boeing 747 engines above the Giant Mountains.
Photo by Karel Valenta, Sydney
More images:
Parhelion 10. 11. Ždánice (Roman Maňák),  Circumzenithal arc 19. 10. a  parhelion 3. 10. in Prague (Tomáš Tržický), 22 deg. halo 1. 10. in Holešov (P. Trnčák), rainbow in Norway (M. Popek),  ...
Image galleries: rainbows, halos, diffraction phenomena.

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 © 1999-2025 Tomáš Tržický;  last updated: 7 April 2015