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5. 3. 2016 13:04, Gian (e-mail:
Mirage or Sun image? North Italy 2016. I would like to excuse myself if this thread does not fit. I am looking from long time to find out a phisical explanation about the phenomenon I have been witness. It was just after the sunset on first week of February. The moon was at same side of the sun. The sky was clean, no folks, no foggy, clear blue at westside, very pale stars at est side. Suddenly I saw an elliptic object at nord-east about 30° to 40° over the horizon. The lower diameter was about of the same size of the sun (on the day when high), the bigger diameter was about twice. The object was moving at apparent constant speed westword along the direction of the bigger diameter. It has been visible for about 5 t 8 seconds for about 90° of azimth angle, then it disappeared beyond some buildings. The color was uniform jellow-orange without internal signs, little brilliant ( just less than full moon), the image was very perfect and without blurr ( very similar looking the sun through a smoked glass). I was thinking of the results of temperature inversion of atmospheric layers, but I cannot explain how the sun image could have been visible from east to west without any blurring or some disappearing...and more, due to geometry of the sight, the atmospfheric layers, at different temperature or density, would have been set in vertical direction...
6. 11. 2015 15:03, Alberto Tufaile (e-mail:
This video shows our research about the simulation of Sun Dogs: The Parhelic-like circle from light scattering in Plateau borders: Our latest paper about this subject:
20. 9. 2011 11:10, Tom (e-mail: )
What I can recommend is at or you can upload it even here at (in Czech).
13. 8. 2011 14:19, Mike Monahan (e-mail:
I witnessed an atmospheric phenomenon a couple weeks ago. I took pictures of it. It was a rainbow-like, but straight strip of colors. Unlike with a rainbow, I was facing the sun with it almost overhead, at noon. Is there a way I can send a pic? I\'d love to know what it is called.
21. 11. 2010 13:10, patrick polillo (e-mail:
good morn mother dear, i am getting this all figured out. i hope u feel great today and regain ur mind like im tryin to do. yesterday u were right. i just lose it sometimes, i need to remember about how things could be!!!! i am smarter than that. i love u and u always give the best of advise love patrick your son.
21. 11. 2010 13:08, patrick polillo (e-mail:
good morn mother dear, i am getting this all figured out. i hope u feel great today and regain ur mind like im tryin to do. yesterday u were right. i just lose it sometimes, i need to remember about how things could be!!!! i am smarter than that. i love u and u always give the best of advise love patrick your son.
11. 1. 2009 18:35, Carol Valadez (e-mail: csvaladez/at/
My daughter-n-law has a wonderful picture of a rare circumzenithal arc. that she took almost a year ago. Where would I check to see where she could sell it? I don\'t know where to even look. Please email us and let us know. Thank You, Carol email address...
5. 8. 2008 04:18, Raul Fritz (e-mail: raul.fritz/at/
Very nice site. I also love to observe the clouds, the skies and the atmospheric phenomena including the atmospheric optics. I observe the clouds, daily, at HRPT NOAA and SEVIRI MSG satellite pics at work (in north-northeastern Brazil) and simply looking at for the heavens, from the ground. Some of my cloud photos (from the ground, at home...) are at my new (and modest) site: Thank you.
18. 12. 2007 15:39, Carol Trzicky (e-mail:
Dear Mr Trzicky..i am wondering if you had a relative in USA by name of Charles Trzicky.As far as i know there are only 2 Trzickys in USA one of which is Charles\'s son and i who was married to Jerome Trzicky.Your reply would be greatly appreciated .
22. 2. 2007 05:47, Jeretyp (e-mail: lasttime/at/
Author, respect 2 you. Bookmark! :) I\'m George, new here! With best regards...
4. 2. 2007 19:34, John (e-mail:
To whom it may concern, I want to conduct an experiment in which I could make a corona in a simple way for a science fair. However, I\'m having trouble making a corona effect for the demonstration. How do I make a corona in a way that is not so complicated? Thank You.
24. 1. 2007 07:36, Evsevert (e-mail: loginktik/at/
Very nice site. Thanks you.
3. 5. 2006 23:11, Werner Wehry (e-mail: wehry/at/
Dear Mr. Trzicky, we are preparing the European Meteorological Calendar 2007. You may have a look at the former calendars under: Will it be possible to use the photograph DSC02852 (Dec 15, 2005, Marie Hlavacova) with a high enough solution? If it will be successful, we are paying 125 Euros only for reprinting, the Copyright remains at the author, and surelx she/he will receive three calendars as specimen. Maybe, we are looking for another photograph... Many thanks and regards Werner Wehry
29. 3. 2006 16:49, Virginia Robins (e-mail: weather/at/
Message for Martin Poupa. Is it possible to use the picture of iridescent clouds for our Royal Meteorological Society calendar? The picture reference is: January 8, 2005 - iridescent clouds, Prily. We would need a high-res (300 dpi minimum) jpeg if possible. Many thanks.
20. 5. 2005 15:21, Lee Grenci (e-mail: grenci/at/
Please forward to Rene Kajfoze. Many thanks. Hello Rene, My name is Lee Grenci and I\'m an instructor in the department of meteorology at Penn State University. I\'m writing a text / laboratory manual on basic meteorology and would like to respectfully ask your permission to use one of your wonderful photographs of a subsun: If you agree, I\'d be happy to include the appropriate credit. For quality reproduction, it would be helpful if you could send me the image with higher resolution. My e-mail address at Penn State is Many thanks for your time and consideration and for helping my students to learn. Lee
5. 2. 2005 12:55, Tomas Trzicky (e-mail: tomas.trzicky (at)
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